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ARKIVOC Volume 2024
Part (v): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Leon Ghosez on the occasion of his scientific contribution to organic chemistry
Facilitator: Janine Cossy
Scientific Editor: Alan Cutler

Graphical Abstracts
1. A tribute to Professor Ghosez (LG-1497MT)
Janine Cossy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p001.497
Full Text: PDF (593K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 20231497
published Oct 19 2023;
2. One-pot multiple C-C bond formations toward dendrimers (LG-12121MR)
Didier Astruc
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.121
Full Text: PDF (1,033K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312121
received Oct 28 2023; accepted Nov 17 2023; published Dec 4 2023;
3. Copper- and nickel- catalyzed C–P coupling reactions between P(O)–H compounds and alkyl radicals generated from alkylsilyl peroxides (LG-12131MP)
Shiyong Liu, Zhe Wang, Terumasa Kato, Yan Liu and Keiji Maruoka
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.131
Full Text: PDF (704K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (5,251K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312131
received Nov 15 2023; accepted Jan 1 2024; published Jan 12 2024;
4. Synthesis of benzo[d]isothiazoles: an update (LG-12146MR)
Yulia Ivanova, Marin Smoljo, Steven De Jonghe and Wim Dehaen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.146
Full Text: PDF (1,583K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312146
received Dec 7 2023; accepted Jan 3 2024; published Jan 12 2024;
5. The Diels-Alder reaction of 1,4-quinones in hexafluoroisopropanol (LG-12140MP)
Loïc Jeanmart, Kalina Mambourg, Gilles Hanquet and Steve Lanners
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.140
Full Text: PDF (986K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (10,899K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312140
received Dec 1 2023; accepted Jan 4 2024; published Jan 12 2024;
6. Copper-catalyzed direct α-peroxidation of nitrogen heterocycles (LG-12154MP)
Phidéline Gérard, Céline Guissart and Gwilherm Evano
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.154
Full Text: PDF (1,184K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (2,270K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312154
received Dec 16 2023; accepted Jan 16 2024; published Jan 28 2024;
7. Progress and opportunities of pseudo-natural-product design in molecular discovery (LG-12153MR)
Xiu-Fen Cheng, Michael Grigalunas, Herbert Waldmann
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.153
Full Text: PDF (1,298K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202312153
received Dec 15 2023; accepted Jan 31 2024; published Feb 8 2024;
8. Synthesis and optimization of stapled DOCK peptides with improved drug-like properties (LG-12170MP)
Atiruj Theppawong, Ewout De Geyter and Annemieke Madder
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.170
Full Text: PDF (734K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (2,349K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202412170
received Jan 16 2024; accepted Feb 25 2024; published Mar 10 2024;
9. Stereospecific cyclization of a pseudo-C2-symmetric unsaturated diol (LG-12179MP)
Bogdan R. Brutiu, Phillip. S. Grant, Daniel Kaiser and Nuno Maulide
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.179
Full Text: PDF (676K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (1,068K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202412179
received Feb 8 2024; accepted Apr 12 2024; published Apr 17 2024;
10. Tf2O-Mediated mild synthesis of 6H-chromeno[4,3-b]quinolines (LG-12191MP)
Li-Ning Chen, Zhao-Ke Jin, Jian-Liang Ye and Pei-Qiang Huang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.191
Full Text: PDF (785K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (5,511K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202412191
received Mar 1 2024; accepted Apr 2 2024; published Apr 21 2024;
11. The xanthate radical addition route to sulfur heterocycles (LG-12199MR)
Béatrice Quiclet-Sire and Samir Z. Zard
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.199
Full Text: PDF (2,666K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202412199
received Mar 20 2024; accepted Apr 25 2024; published May 15 2024;
12. Pyrazolidines: synthesis, reactivity, physical and biological properties (LG-12223MR)
Rosa M. Claramunt, Dionisia Sanz, José Elguero and Ibon Alkorta
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p012.223
Full Text: PDF (4,596K)
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Arkivoc 2024 (5) 202412223
received May 14 2024; accepted Jun 14 2024; published Jun 25 2024;

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