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ARKIVOC Volume 2023
Part (iv): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Yulia Budnikova on the occasion of her 35 years of experience in science and her contribution to organic electrochemistry and Prof. Saverio Florio on the occasion of his contribution to synthetic organic chemistry
Facilitators: Yulia Dudkina and Renzo Luisi
Scientific Editors: Branko Stanovnik and Janine Cossy

Graphical Abstracts
1. A tribute to Professor Saverio Florio (BF-1490YT)
Renzo Luisi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p001.490
Full Text: PDF (979K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 20221490
published Jul 30 2022;
2. A tribute to Professor Yulia Budnikova (BF-1493IT)
Yulia Dudkina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p001.493
Full Text: PDF (294K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 20221493
published Sep 11 2022;
3. Diastereoselective deacylative aldol reaction of 3-acetyl-3-fluorooxindoles with aldehydes (BF-11804YP)
Inmaculada Sempere, Cynthia Molina, Eduardo García-Mingüens, Mª de Gracia Retamosa, Carmen Nájera, Pedro Merino, Miguel Yus and José M. Sansano
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.804
Full Text: PDF (753K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (3,292K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211804
received Jun 14 2022; accepted Aug 2 2022; published Aug 14 2022;
4. Synthesis and strain-release reactions of 1-azabicyclo[1.1.0]butanes: an update (BF-11844YR)
Pantaleo Musci, Marco Colella, Michael Andresini, Leonardo Degennaro and Renzo Luisi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.844
Full Text: PDF (1,447K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211844
received Aug 7 2022; accepted Sep 22 2022; published Oct 9 2022;
5. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of tetramethyl ammonium salts of [(PhO)Ni(CF3)3]2- and [(7-azaindole)Ni(CF3)3]2- (BF-11881IP)
Scott T. Shreiber, Roger E. Cramer and David A. Vicic
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.881
Full Text: PDF (702K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (1,062K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211881
received Sep 12 2022; accepted Oct 14 2022; published Oct 22 2022;
6. Highly chemoselective conjugate addition of lithium tetraorganozincates to coumarin derivatives and functionalization with electrophiles (BF-11877YP)
Marzia Dell’Aera, Filippo Maria Perna, Paola Vitale, Antonio Salomone, Angela Altomare and Vito Capriati
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.877
Full Text: PDF (797K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (1,180K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211877
received Sep 8 2022; accepted Oct 18 2022; published Oct 24 2022;
7. Review on asymmetric cycloaddition reactions at phosphorus (III) atom (BF-11880IR)
Almaz Zagidullin, Ilya Bezkishko and Vasili Miluykov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.880
Full Text: PDF (776K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211880
received Sep 11 2022; accepted Oct 28 2022; published Nov 6 2022;
8. Synthesis of indole-based chromophores with TCF acceptor and the study of the quinoxalinone core effect on the linear and nonlinear optical properties (BF-11876IP)
Liliya N. Islamova, Alexey A. Kalinin, Polina V. Lebedeva, Guzel M. Fazleeva, Olga D. Fominykh and Marina Yu. Balakina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.876
Full Text: PDF (620K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (1,371K)
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Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211876
received Sep 8 2022; accepted Oct 25 2022; published Nov 10 2022;
9. 3-(2-Nitrobenzyl)quinoxalin-2-ones, and pyrido- and 1,2,5-oxadiazolo-fused 2-(2-nitrobenzyl)pyrazin-3-ones in the synthesis of bi-, bis- and condensed heterocyclic systems (BF-11888IP)
Vera L. Mamedova, Victor V. Syakaev, Il'dar Kh. Rizvanov, Essam M. Mahrous, Gul’naz Z. Khikmatova, Sevil V. Mamedova, Leisan R. Shamsutdinova, Elena L. Gavrilova, and Vakhid A. Mamedov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.888
Full Text: PDF (801K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (2,318K)
Export Citation: RIS
Arkivoc 2023 (iv) 202211888
received Sep 21 2022; accepted Dec 15 2022; published Dec 23 2022;

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