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We thank OAKWOOD CHEMICAL for their generous support of Arkivoc and the FloHet Conferences


ARKIVOC Volume 2015
Part (ii): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Jürgen Martens on the occasion of his outstanding contributions to organic synthetic chemistry
Facilitator: Harald Gröger
Scientific Editor: Thomas Kurz

Graphical Abstracts
1. A tribute to Prof. Jürgen Martens (JM-1467ZT)
Harald Gröger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p001.467
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pp. 1 - 9
published Nov 18 2014;
2. Synthesis of substituted cycloalkene-1,1-dicarboxylates via olefin metathesis in water (JM-8812ZP)
Katharina Tenbrink, Isabell Kemker, Jürgen Schatz and Harald Gröger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.812
Full Text: PDF (163K)
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pp. 10 - 19
received Jun 19 2014; accepted Sep 2 2014; published Nov 21 2014;
3. Transfer hydrogenation of ketones in the presence of half sandwich ruthenium (II) complexes bearing imidazoline and benzimidazole ligand (JM-8759ZP)
Neslihan Şahin, Serpil Demir and İsmail Özdemir
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.759
Full Text: PDF (186K)
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pp. 20 - 33
received May 14 2014; accepted Jul 10 2014; published Nov 21 2014;
4. On the mechanism of the domino reaction of 2-methyl-2-benzyloxycarbonyl-1-indanone mediated by palladium, hydrogen and aminoalcohols (JM-8805ZP)
Caroline Muller, Françoise Hénin and Jacques Muzart
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.805
Full Text: PDF (79K)
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pp. 34 - 39
received Jun 12 2014; accepted Aug 16 2014; published Nov 21 2014;
5. Synthesis of functionalized thiophene/phenyl co-oligomers by direct arylation of thiophenes (JM-8833ZP)
Andreas Osadnik and Arne Lützen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.833
Full Text: PDF (152K)
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pp. 40 - 51
received Jul 8 2014; accepted Aug 16 2014; published Nov 21 2014;
6. Enantioselective construction of C2-symmetric spiro skeleton through intramolecular copper-catalyzed N-arylation (JM-8802ZP)
Kazuhiro Takenaka, Makoto Sako, Shuhei Takatani and Hiroaki Sasai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.802
Full Text: PDF (182K)
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pp. 52 - 63
received Jun 11 2014; accepted Aug 31 2014; published Nov 21 2014;
7. Biphenyl and bimesityl tetrasulfonic acid - new linker molecules for coordination polymers (JM-8911ZP)
Florian Behler, Mathias S. Wickleder and Jens Christoffers
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.911
Full Text: PDF (148K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (246K)
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pp. 64 - 75
received Aug 26 2014; accepted Nov 19 2014; published Dec 28 2014;
8. Highly flexible synthesis of indenylethylamines as ligand precursors for titanium complexes (JM-8859ZP)
Jan H. Ross, Stefan H. Rohjans, Marc Schmidtmann and Sven Doye
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p008.859
Full Text: PDF (421K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (2,642K)
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pp. 76 - 92
received Jul 22 2014; accepted Oct 6 2014; published Jan 28 2015;
9. Synthesis of dipeptide mimics based on amino phosphinate backbones and cyclic derivatives (JM-9067ZP)
Florian Rüping, Christian-H. Küchenthal and Wolfgang Maison
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p009.067
Full Text: PDF (734K)
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pp. 93 - 108
received Dec 1 2014; accepted Jan 18 2015; published Feb 27 2015;
10. P-Chirogenic silylphosphine-boranes: synthesis and phospha-Michael reactions (JM-9189ZP)
Eric Bonnefille, Arnaud Tessier, Hélène Cattey, Pierre Le Gendre and Sylvain Jugé
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p009.189
Full Text: PDF (1,323K)
Supplementary Material: PDF (4,316K)
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pp. 109 - 131
received Mar 10 2015; accepted May 10 2015; published Jul 1 2015;

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